More time to think
The Kid at 8 months The Kid has been on a series of visits with us the past few months that will culminate in Gladys and I being named her legal guardians soon. Starting with our first meeting at Catholic Social Services, our visits have increased from one hour supervised to having The Kid for the entire Thanksgiving holiday weekend. She is just discovering her feet and exactly how useful feet can be in personal mobility. Until now, crawling was a significant advancement in her pursuit of finding things to get into and it is a skill that she is quite adept at. Given her mobility and her penchant for doing cute things, it might strike you as odd that I feel like I have more time to think and reflect, but I do. I love bedtime. The Kid and I have begun establishing our own routine where Papa (that's me) reads a few stories, then the white noise machine is turned on and the projector on the machine rotates a cow jumping over the moon, which is reading a book...