A day at work with Papa

A collection of pictures with Tiger at work.
Keeping shoes on The Kid is a harder task than you might think. As soon as you put her in her car seat, you can hear the Velcro rip open and you know it's only a matter of nanoseconds before a shoe is tossed overboard.

In an ill-conceived attempt to keep her distracted from removing her shoes, I decided to throw her favorite doll, named Tiger, into her car seat. By the time we arrived at daycare some 15 minutes later, her shoes were thrown across the back seat of my car and Tiger was thankfully laying next to her car seat.

Because The Kid didn't realize Tiger was missing, she did not protest when we left Tiger in the car.  

On a whim, I decided Tiger could spend the day with me and we could prove she spent the day with Papa through photos. Sure, The Kid is too young to understand now, but in a few years, she'll think these photos are great.  At least I hope she does!

With the 10 or so photos I took, I plan on making a picture book for her this Christmas. And if I travel again for work soon, I'll be sure to sneak Tiger away so we can continue our adventures!

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