Wrestling The Kid for control of my maple syrup malt

Great Grandma Ema returned home yesterday after a lengthy hospital and short-term nursing home stay as she recovered from a broken rib. Having her close to us was fun for visits during the week, but it was high time for her to return to the farm.  

So we packed up The Kid and headed to the farm for a visit. Ema had a Teddy Bear for her to play with, which we quickly discovered had a messy diaper, so The Kid got to work wiping the bear's bottom clean! She also had a blast in the playhouse, pretending to serve me all sorts of food.  

But the highlight of the day was our trip to Moo-ville. There are many things that make this a fun excursion for any kid. The petting zoo has a calf, goats, a pig, sheep, bantam chickens, rabbits, a horse and a donkey. Hands down, watching The Kid greet every animal was the best fun I've had in days. We did intentionally steer her away from the sandbox, for fear we would never get her to leave. We also skipped the dairy tour. I'm sure it's a blast, but I've seen enough cow juice in my day to last for several more years.

Most people go to Moo-ville for the ice cream. From what I hear, it's great. I haven't had more than a lick or two a visit since they put Maple Syrup Malts on the menu. The kid seemed pretty impressed with her soft-serve kiddy cone, that is, until she tasted my malt.  She went from cutest ice cream eater on the planet to malt-stealing fiend! Of my large malt, I imbibed exactly half. One taste, and it was fight to the death (almost) for control of the straw!     

Once it was gone, the cone was just okay. She liked it, but it wasn't the malt. 

Sadly, Ema wasn't able to join us and witness this first hand (I think she needed time to recover from The Kid's visit). We snuck her a chocolate malt, for fear The Kid would devour it the same way she devoured maple syrup malt. It's a good thing Moo-ville is a hop, skip, and a jump from the farm because I think it will be a necessary stop from now on.   

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