30 days of thankfulness in one post

It seems that I know several people who have made it a point to devote a status update on The Facebook to something they are grateful for everyday in November. I admire those friends, because I know I don't spend enough time expressing my gratitude or thankfulness. And, while I do have a lot to be thankful for, I don't want to try cramming it all on The Facebook in the last few days of November. For the curious, here's my list of 30 things I'm thankful for this November, in no particular order.

  1. Maple syrup. I don't know how people can live without the stuff.
  2. The love and understanding of my wife. I can be a prickly person to live with, but she is always in my corner and I take a lot of comfort in that knowledge. 
  3. My daughter. In case you're wondering why, keep reading my blog. 
  4. Detroit. Sometimes I feel battered by the city, other times I'm hopelessly in love with the place. As infuriating as the city can be, it has given me a place to call home while I grew as a man, a place to make my mark in the world and some of the most supportive friends I could ever imagine.
  5. My mother and sister. No matter how down I am, or how high I fly, they keep me grounded by reminding me who I am and where I came from. 
  6. Baseball.
  7. A job I enjoy and I am growing in. Yes, some days are frustrating but I've been given a chance to stretch my wings enough that I know when the opportunity to take the next step in my career peeks around the corner, I'll be ready. 
  8. Writing. I'm glad I started writing again. It is cathartic and someday, I know I'll be pretty good at it. 
  9. Photography. See #8: Writing.
  10. My love of reading. I'll read damn near anything, although I'm currently hooked on biographies. 
  11. Good creme brulee.
  12. The Porterhouse for 2 at Roast. Although I would be hard pressed to find anything at Roast I didn't love. 
  13. College basketball. 
  14. Good bourbon. 
  15. Snow. I don't cross country ski as much as I'd like, although few things are as refreshing to me as a deep breath of cold air with a nice trail ahead of me. 
  16. That I was able to say goodbye to my grandfather one last time.
  17. My grandmother.
  18. Our dog Barney. I'll be picking dog hair out of my clothes from now until the day I die, but he is an empathetic boy who helps me keep my cool and my waistline in check.
  19. Curiosity.
  20. My MacBook, both personal and work. They certainly help with #8 and #9.
  21. My friend Jeremiah who seems to drop everything when we need an emergency Barney sitter.
  22. The new tire we bought for Gladys' car last Saturday.
  23. The people who read my writing and keep coming back for more.
  24. Being a papa. I lost hope that it would ever happen, and now that it has, it's been a cooler adventure than I ever imagined.  
  25. A group of friends we call the Detroit Dining Crew. You know who you are and I hope you know why I'm thankful for you. If not, let's talk over more bourbon soon.
  26. A well poured Manhattan. Preferably neat and made by Steve. Keep those nasty fake cherries out of my glass please!
  27. Puns. Most are not funny, but they make me laugh anyway.
  28. Moxy Fruvous. I find myself singing things like The King of Spain or You Will Go To The Moon to The Kid on a regular basis. 
  29. Diego Rivera's frescos at the Detroit Institute of Art. 
  30. My sister-in-law for giving us a loving home to stay in whenever we're in Tampa. 

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