Another milestone passed way before I'm ready

My mom watched The Kid for us during the 40th Annual Davemas celebration a few weeks ago. That night, mom witnessed her granddaughter climb out of the crib using the hope chest next to the crib as leverage, and got a little freaked out when The Kid started walking on top of the chest, presumably to find a good landing spot.

For the past few weeks, it has become increasingly hard to get her sleep in her crib. And Gladys witnessed her using the chest to get out of the crib last night. When she tried getting our daughter to get back into the crib, she realized it just wasn't happening and let her sleep on a comforter next to her crib, where she was sacked out until 7a.m.

We converted her crib into a toddler bed tonight. She was beyond excited and she couldn't wait to go to bed tonight. She sat in her bed for all but one book tonight, and the only reason she sat on my lap for one book is that I convinced her that Papa needed to cuddle with his baby.

This all comes at the same time I am beginning to realize that I need to start getting up earlier every morning. We usually wake up at 7am as a family, we watch a little Headline News while we sip our coffee (adults) or milk (toddler), eat breakfast than put her in her Pack n' Play so she can watch Little Bill while we take our showers, and get ready for work.  

But those days are coming to an end soon too, as she already knows how to scale the walls of her Pack n' Play. She hasn't done it to escape, but she has figured out the strongest points of her enclosure so she can use her leverage properly. And frankly, she's more than strong enough to do it right now.

I'm going to have to get up at 6am to get myself showered and dressed, then eat breakfast, something I am dreading because I prefer late nights to early mornings.

I am also dreading the change because my little girl is growing up fast. Her vocabulary is growing exponentially. She's grown a few inches since her last trip to the pediatrician. She now shushes me if I try singing her my little night-time song for her too early. She's getting close to knowing all the words to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and is absolutely fascinated by the moon.

Those changes are going to keep coming faster and faster. I know that someday before I realize it, she'll be a grown woman trying to chart her own course in life. Our night-time routine has changed forever. I just hope I'm better prepared for the next milestone.

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