Collecting my thoughts, or I'm too tired to make any of these ideas a full blog post

Sometimes it is better to just get thoughts out on paper, or in this case, on my blog, even when they are not fully developed. This is one of those times.

Here are some of the random observations I've made lately:
  • Every kid grows differently, and disproportionately. The Kid, and her hands, are no exception.
  • The Kid loves snuggling after a bath, and I love snuggling with her, but I'm always nervous that the only thing standing between me and a bunch of urine is a towel. 
  • She still mixes up Mama and Papa when she's excited, and I find the MaPa combination to be incredibly cute.
  • My friend Max says he doesn't think the "terrible twos" are all that terrible, mostly because it is exciting to watch children develop independence. I want to agree with him, but I do struggle with the concept when she's half-dressed and planking while I'm running late to work. 
  • The Kid's favorite sentence in the world is, "I did it!"
  • We still argue the nuances of what constitutes a truck versus a bus. 
  • She loves trains more than I expected. 
  • I relish the look of accomplishment on her face.
  • Ema The Great gave us the tuition for swim lessons, which was the best use of her money I could think of, especially when The Kid is smiling from ear-to-ear in the pool. 
  • I'm hoping she learns to enunciate the letters B and L soon. It is cute to have her yell manana instead of banana, but it is a bit disturbing to have her talk about the clock in her room.
  • I am, and will always be, the parent who posts way too many pictures of his daughter on Facebook. Deal with it. 
  • Mama's shoes are The Kid's go-to lounging around the house footwear.
  • Few things are as startling at 3 a.m. as your two-year old walking up to your side of the bed and yelling, "wakey wake!"
  • She knows that if I tell her we're only going to read three books before night night, she can hop off my lap after book three, grab book four, and I'll probably read it. 
  • At least once a week when I drop her off at daycare, she watches me leave her classroom and gives me an assuring look when I peek through the window. 
  • I've never been this tired in my life. 
  • Being a parent is more incredible than I ever imagined. 

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