The Kid recognizing Ema the Great's picture was the chuckle I needed

Ema the Great and The Kid, Mother's Day 2013
On the wall of Ema the Great's kitchen, right next to the door leading to the back porch, is a photo of her and Gumpy next to a deer that was harvested from the back 40 acres of the farm. If memory serves, the photo was taken the fall before Gumpy passed away.

The Kid and I went to the farm today with Grandma Roz and Aunt Mary. It was my first time in the house since Ema the Great passed away, and The Kid was asking where she was soon after we arrived. I don't remember how I explained that we wouldn't be seeing her again because I was focused on not crying in front of my daughter yet again this week.

A few hours later, after we had ice cream at Mooville, we walked passed that photo and The Kid yelled, "Ema the Great!" and pointed emphatically at the photo. She asked me who else was in the photo, and she repeated Gumpy's name after I told her, then repeated Ema the Great's name a few times.

I had to smile because my grandmother was convinced that The Kid wouldn't recognize her, and The Kid always did. The last time they saw each other, The Kid shrieked with glee until I got her out of her car seat and set her on the ground so she could run over to see Ema the Great.

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