The Kid is still talking about our Tahquamenon Falls vacation

Forget the fact that this August in Michigan's Upper Peninsula was colder than usual, or that we ended up spending way too much time in the car on our UP adventure. The Kid loves camping, and most importantly, loves Tahquamenon Falls.

Gladys and I bought a book for her on the trip called Get the Moose Out Of Life from a cute little bakery with great pasties called the Berry Patch. The Kid and I were reading the book a few weeks later, and she grabbed the book out of my hands so she could turn the pages. Her reasoning? The book was older than "Khamenon Falls" and she was the only person who would treat it with sufficient care.

Since that day, if she really wants something, she'll declare it's older than Khamenon Falls as her justification.

Just a few days ago, as we were moving our camping gear into the basement of our new house, she asked what we were moving. When she found out it was our camping gear, she declared she loved camping and wanted to go back to Khamenon Falls. After suggesting that we should go back for my birthday, she felt that was a really really good idea.

I'm glad that week is positively etched into her brain, and I hope to get her back up there soon to reinforce the good memories. If you have a suggestion on convincing my sun and sand loving wife to go with us to the UP in December for my birthday, I'm all ears!

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